
The reason for creating a volunteer group within our school is to consolidate the solidarity initiatives that have always existed regardless of the people who develop them. There is great potential both within the student body as well as within their families, who collaborate in all the initiatives undertaken by the centre.

With this project we intend to develop the ideas we already have, create the environment for new initiatives to emerge and work towards achieving greater goals in the future.


Consolidate the volunteer group. We have volunteers in two courses: 1º and 4º of Obligatory Secondary Education. It would be carried out collaboratively with the Religion, Alternative, HCR, and Ethical Values subjects. It is extended to 5th grade of primary school and 3rd of Secondary.

After past experiences, we are committed to working with several strong NGOs, in particular UNICEF, the Vicente Ferrer Foundation and Caritas, and to helping finance their projects, as well as possible emergency campaigns that may arise throughout the course.

Collaborate as a UNICEF Friendly School

Start the ``School to School`` project for Primary School and the ``Mandala`` project for Secondary School with the Vicente Ferrer Foundation.

Start or collaborate with a solidarity project that will benefit the population of the school's area of influence.