The School considers Baccalaureate as a fundamental education stage, although without neglecting the comprehensive educational work completed in previous stages.

The School is fully aware that most of our students aim to continue their education at University after the Baccalaureate. Therefore, we are also aware that both the academic preparation and the grades obtained in these courses will be determining factors when choosing the university course they want to study and the university where they want to study it. As such, our project is geared toward insuring that they arrive at the university entrance exam with an optimal level of preparation that makes it possible for them to choose the degree they wish to study and complete it at the highest possible level.

At Árula School, we offer students the possibility of studying the modalities or routes in Baccalaureate that enable them to access any university degree, with no exceptions.



As a result of the application of the new school calendar in our autonomous community, Colegio Árula has developed a series of workshops for students who have achieved their academic objectives and have no outstanding subjects to recover in the June exams, with more flexible timetables to develop a complete programme of activities that will complete the learning developed throughout the course and that includes sports, entertainment, and general knowledge areas that favour integration and that the students can learn through curiosity and motivation.


Some of these workshops are:

  • Visits to locations where they may work as if it were a gymkhana.
  • Photography workshops.
  • Cooking workshops.
  • Home-based workshops.
  • Communication and public speaking workshops.
  • Preparation of a «0» preparatory course for complex areas of the following course.
  • Theatre workshops.
  • Chess workshops.
  • Science workshop.
  • Robotics workshop.
  • Art Workshop.
  • Heraldry workshop.
  • Immersion in English.
  • Camping trips.
  • Visits to museums with prearranged treasure hunts.
  • External orientation.
  • Photography and painting contests.
  • Leisure-Sports-Cultural Olympics interlinking competition, culture and sports.